Tell the story of the mountain you climbed. Your words could become a page in someone else’s survival guide.” — Morgan Harper Nichols
I am super excited to be featured in the most recent issue of Veg News. They share how a plant-based lifestyle spared my life. It really hit home last year how my lifestyle improved my quality of life when someone I knew who had the same autoimmune disorder died from complications brought on by the disease.
When I was 14 I was really upset with God for being so sick. I was tired of seeing a rotation of physicians and being told that there nothing they could really do but prescribe medication. Twenty-four years later I'm medication free, symptoms eliminated and autoimmune disorder in remission. One of my personal missions is to share with the world the many ways you can approach healing. I use to shy away from sharing my personal story but realize that it serves as a great testimonial.
You can pick up Veg News at Whole Foods or Barnes and Nobles. It is their annual wellness issue outside of my story being shared it is an awesome issue.